We are happy to share with you a great news for the plastic sector that we read this week. According to the annual statistical report carried out by Cicloplast in collaboration with Anarpla (National Association of Plastic Recyclers) in 2017, the million tons of recycled plastic (1,006,000 tons) was exceeded, with an increase of 18% compared to 2016 and reaching a plastic recycling index of 41%.
This means that the recycling of the plastic packaging sector continues to be the most significant, with 771,200 tons recycled and an increase of 11% over the previous year. For the first time in Spain, the number of tons of recycled plastic exceeds that of plastic deposited in landfill, a fact that demonstrates the increase in society’s awareness of recycling, as well as the efforts and innovations of the collection systems and recycling processes. These figures also show that the circular economy works and the value chain of plastic incorporates recycled materials into the manufacture of new products.
If you want more information click on the link of the news: http://www.infopack.es/es/noticia/el-plastico-reciclado-supera-al-depositado-en-vertedero-por-primera-vez-en- Spain